
CLN Three presents self-awareness in Managerial and Leadership practice. This week our group shares with you research and practical experiences about greater self-awareness. We present key theories from leading commentators, discuss self-awareness models, propose questions for your own self reflection and offer new research from John L. Holland. Our challenges show you the gaps and weaknesses in some of the theories presented. The page called methods in action will present our personal work related experiences showing you how each theory can function in the workplace. Your challenge holds a prompting question to share your thoughts and experiences on the black board.

We hope you find this dynamic and interactive journey inspiring. We aim to increase your effectiveness as a leader/manager by helping you to identify your strengths and weaknesses, increase your self-awareness and understand the role of Action Science as a means of performance. Remember to sign our guestbook to show you have visited and to learn more about our team visit about us. We thank you for your visit!

What is your best approach? Not sure where to start? 

There are three pathways to follow on this website. One is a step by step approach (working progressively across with the tabs at the top of the page), second is to click on an image below and the final way is to navigate freely through the various pages. You decide what works best for you.

Path 1: The step by step approach follows the tabs -  Learning Objectives > Key Theories (links to introductory questions, then to presentations ) > Methods in Action > Our Challenges > Your Challenge

Path 2: The images below open to a page of questions to ask yourself (note: these are the same questions as posted on the Black Board on Monday). Read the questions and if they resonate with you, investigate further by clicking to watch and listen to the presentation at the end of the page. Remember to turn your volume up, as some presentations have Audio

Path 3: Do as you wish!. Self-Awareness is self dicovery, so if you learn better by freely navigating. Then go for it

We aim to offer multiply paths to greater self-awareness .

Knowing Yourself

Personal Transformation

 The Holland Codes

 Managing Oneself

 Better Relationships

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