About Us 

Merielee Desepida
Position at work: Project Manager / Policy Officer
Company: NSW Health
Place of residence: Sydney
Future Professional Goals: ????
How has this unit helped you: It provided me with greater understanding of how I behave and function, as well as ideas on how I can improve my current performance in the environment that I'm in.  

Craig Frost
Position at work: Publications Director - West region
Company: Fairfax - Fairfax Community Network Victoria
Place of residence: Craigieburn Victoria
Future Professional Goals: General Manager of a daily Newspaper
How has this unit helped you: Understanding of barriers to learning and of gaps and growth areas in self management. 

Daryl Davis
Position at work: Operations Manager
Company: Nissan Casting
Place of residence: Melbourne
Future Professional Goals: Senior executive role with Nissan
How has this unit helped you: For me it has clarified certain self behaviours and how to manage these better when dealing with others. It has also confirmed my known personality traits and identified new ones. As a result I believe this new learning shall provide a stronger foundation in managing and leading others. 

Todd Dunlop
Position at work: Project Manager
Place of residence: Brisbane
Future Professional Goals: own my own property development company
How has this unit helped you: to understand my self as a leader, how I am perceived by others and how to improve my leadership skills. 

Naomi Ebert Smith
Position: New Media Consultant & Project Manager
Place of work: Global
Residence: Antwerp, Belgium
Future Professional Goals: To run my own business in New Media and Events
How has this unit helped you:  Learning more about myself and other personalities, the psychology behind what people do and how they think.  

Julie Donnelly
Position at work: Project Manager
Company: Yasmin Products Pty Ltd
Place of work: Sydney
Place of residence: Brisbane
Future Professional Goals: Leader of Family Business
How has this unit helped you: Understanding that my skills are relevant in all business, not just small business. Gained knowledge in how to develop and manage my leadership skills and to see what behaviors, attributes and area's of my personality add value to the management process.

Armand De Sandu
Position: Director
Company: Deloitte, Security & Privacy Services
Place of work: Melbourne, AU
How has this unit helped you:  This unit of the RMIT MBA has allowed me to explore new concepts surrounding leadership and management, and through teaming with a professional CLN allowed me to grow both my understanding of the subject and my professional network. I feel that the learning that I have taken both from this subject, and the RMIT MBA so far will empower me to be a better manager of people,with greater emotional intelligence. 

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